The PRA presumes that each partner contributes equally to their relationship, even though that may be in different ways, and it aims to provide a just division (almost always equal) of the relationship property when the relationship ends, taking into account the interests of any children involved.
All relationship property will be divided equally following the end of a relationship that has lasted more than three years, unless extraordinary circumstances make equal sharing very unfair ("repugnant to justice"). If so, property may be divided according to the contribution each partner made to the relationship; both financial and non-financial contributions are taken into account (non-financial contributions can include for example caring for children or other whanau, managing the household, helping a partner in their occupation or business, or enabling a partner to gain qualifications). One partner may be awarded a greater share if ending the relationship leaves them at a serious economic disadvantage because of the division of roles during the relationship.
Dividing property if your relationship ends
Relationship Property v Separate Property